Product Spotlight:

Did you know that Keune is vegan and cruelty free? Here at Rock Paper Scissors we are proud to use and stock a wide range of Keune products. Keune products are either plant derived or synthetic. As a company they pride themselves in upholding good ethical and moral standards, as well as ensuring that there products are high-quality and safe. Keune also ensures that none of its products are tested on animals. 

Developed in one of the most advanced laboratories in Europe, Keune utilises only high quality and innovative ingredients.  Many Keune products contain argan oil. Argan oil is full of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, Vitamin E, A and other good things. It is an extremely nourishing oil, yet it’s lightweight and absorbs quickly. What you won’t find in Keune products is sulfates and parabens, instead you will find things like jasmine and sandalwood.